Results for 'Ubaldus De Vries'

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  1.  36
    Eyes Wide Shut: On Risk, Rule of Law and Precaution.Lyana Francot-Timmermans & Ubaldus De Vries - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (2):282-301.
    The rule of law offers legal certainty, laying down boundaries to the state's playing field. The precautionary approach stipulates that the absence of scientific certainty is no reason not to act to prevent harm. Here, uncertainty frames action. The precautionary approach potentially expands the state's playing field, and this expansion might well undermine the precepts of the rule of law. The certainty-uncertainty axis exposes a tension between the rule of law and the precautionary approach in what Ulrich Beck has termed (...)
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    No Way Out? Contracting About Modern Risks.Lyana Francot & Ubaldus de Vries - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (2):199-215.
    This article seeks to illustrate the relevance of social theory for the study and practice of law. As social theory reports on changes that influence societal structures, the question for lawyers is how these changes affect law and what this means for its role and function. To this end, the article draws on Ulrich Beck’s theory of the risk society and reflexive modernization to provide the relevant perspective. This theory reports upon and explains the so-called side effects of modernization that (...)
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  3. Normativity in the Second Modernity.Lyana Francot & Ubaldus R. M. T. De Vries - 2008 - Rechtstheorie 39 (4):477-494.
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  4. Bioethics as missionary work : the export of Western ethics to developing countries.Raymond de Vries & Leslie Rott - 2011 - In Catherine Myser (ed.), Bioethics Around the Globe. Oxford University Press.
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  5. Genetic engineering and the integrity of animals.Rob De Vries - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (5):469-493.
    Genetic engineering evokes a number of objections that are not directed at the negative effects the technique might have on the health and welfare of the modified animals. The concept of animal integrity is often invoked to articulate these kind of objections. Moreover, in reaction to the advent of genetic engineering, the concept has been extended from the level of the individual animal to the level of the genome and of the species. However, the concept of animal integrity was not (...)
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  6. Empirical ethics and its alleged meta-ethical fallacies.Rob de Vries & Bert Gordijn - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):193-201.
    This paper analyses the concept of empirical ethics as well as three meta-ethical fallacies that empirical ethics is said to face: the is-ought problem, the naturalistic fallacy and violation of the fact-value distinction. Moreover, it answers the question of whether empirical ethics (necessarily) commits these three basic meta-ethical fallacies.
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    Philosophy and the turn to religion.Hent de Vries - 1999 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    If religion once seemed to have played out its role in the intellectual and political history of Western secular modernity, it has now returned with a vengeance. In this engaging study, Hent de Vries argues that a turn to religion discernible in recent philosophy anticipates and accompanies this development in the contemporary world. Though the book reaches back to Immanuel Kant, Martin Heidegger, and earlier, it takes its inspiration from the tradition of French phenomenology, notably Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, (...)
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  8. Reflective Equilibrium and Empirical Data: Third Person Moral Experiences in Empirical Medical Ethics.Martine de Vries & Evert van Leeuwen - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):490-498.
    ABSTRACT In ethics, the use of empirical data has become more and more popular, leading to a distinct form of applied ethics, namely empirical ethics. This ‘empirical turn’ is especially visible in bioethics. There are various ways of combining empirical research and ethical reflection. In this paper we discuss the use of empirical data in a special form of Reflective Equilibrium (RE), namely the Network Model with Third Person Moral Experiences. In this model, the empirical data consist of the moral (...)
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    Raymond De Vries replies.Raymond De Vries Iii - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):4-5.
  10. A theoretical model for healing processes.Marco J. de Vries - 1993 - In Robert Lafaille & Stephen Fulder (eds.), Towards a new science of health. New York: Routledge.
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  11. Genomic sovereignty and the African promise: mining the African genome for the benefit of Africa.Jantina de Vries & Michael Pepper - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (8):474-478.
    Scientific interest in genomics in Africa is on the rise with a number of funding initiatives aimed specifically at supporting research in this area. Genomics research on material of African origin raises a number of important ethical issues. A prominent concern relates to sample export, which is increasingly seen by researchers and ethics committees across the continent as being problematic. The concept of genomic sovereignty proposes that unique patterns of genomic variation can be found in human populations, and that these (...)
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    Virtue Ethics in the Military: An Attempt at Completeness.Peer de Vries - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (3):170-185.
    This article elaborates on Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics, exploring the plausibility of his claim that each praxis has its own appropriate set of virtues. The exploration will be applied to what I term military praxis. Firstly, the article analyses what is meant by the concept of a praxis and how a military praxis can be defined, as well as the wider purpose of military praxis. From there it proceeds to the “internal goods”, the desires, to be realized in joining the (...)
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  13. Man in Rapid Social Change.Egbert de Vries & Paul Abrecht - 1961
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    Reformation, Revolution, Renovation: The Roots and Reception of the Rosicrucian Call for General Reform.Lyke de Vries - 2021 - BRILL.
    An account of the Rosicrucian manifestos, and in particular their call for a general reformation, in relation to medieval and early modern traditions and reform programs.
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    The Dysgenics Objection to Longtermism.Bouke de Vries - 2024 - Futures 162 (103417):1-13.
    Strong longtermism maintains that how we should act morally is determined almost entirely by the expected effects on the welfare of our descendants existing thousands if not millions of years into the future, who might include both other humans and any artificial agents with a comparable or higher moral status that we end up creating. It is based on three key assumptions: (i) that our descendants will have a moral status that is at least as high as ours and therefore (...)
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  16. Neue Erkenntnisprobleme in Philosophie und Theologie.Joseph de Vries & Johannes Baptist Lotz (eds.) - 1968 - Wien,: Herder.
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    The Sociability Argument for the Burqa Ban: A Qualified Defence.Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):317-337.
    Over the past decade, countries such as France, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Latvia, and Bulgaria have banned face-coverings from public spaces. These bans are popularly known as ‘burqa bans’ as they seem to have been drafted with the aim of preventing people from wearing burqas and niqabs specifically. The scholarly response to these bans has been overwhelmingly negative, with several lawyers and philosophers arguing that they violate the human right to freedom of religion. While this article shares some of the concerns (...)
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  18.  35
    Technological knowledge and artifacts : An analytical view.Marc J. de Vries - 2006 - In John R. Dakers (ed.), Defining Technological Literacy: Towards an Epistemological Framework. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  19.  10
    Space for Steam: A New Creativity Challenge in Education.Henderika de Vries - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  20. De betekenis Van het politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift.Door Christiaan de Vries - forthcoming - Idee.
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  21. Die Substanz im Bereich des geistigen Seins.Joseph de Vries - 1952 - Theologie Und Philosophie 27 (1):34.
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    Bruno Latour.Gerard de Vries - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Bruno Latour is among the most important figures in contemporary philosophy and social science. His ethnographic studies have revolutionized our understanding of areas as diverse as science, law, politics and religion. To facilitate a more realistic understanding of the world, Latour has introduced a radically fresh philosophical terminology and a new approach to social science, ‘Actor-Network Theory’. In seminal works such as Laboratory Life, We Have Never Been Modern and An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, Latour has outlined an alternative (...)
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  23. Identity, profiling algorithms and a world of ambient intelligence.Katja de Vries - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (1):71-85.
    The tendency towards an increasing integration of the informational web into our daily physical world (in particular in so-called Ambient Intelligent technologies which combine ideas derived from the field of Ubiquitous Computing, Intelligent User Interfaces and Ubiquitous Communication) is likely to make the development of successful profiling and personalization algorithms, like the ones currently used by internet companies such as Amazon , even more important than it is today. I argue that the way in which we experience ourselves necessarily goes (...)
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  24.  42
    Selling visibility-boosts on dating apps: a problematic practice?Bouke de Vries - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-8.
    Love, sex, and physical intimacy are some of the most desired goods in life and they are increasingly being sought on dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Badoo. For those who want a leg up in the chase for other people’s attention, almost all of these apps now offer the option of paying a fee to boost one’s visibility for a certain amount of time, which may range from 30 min to a few hours. In this article, I argue (...)
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  25.  17
    Commenting on Commentaries.Fedde de Vries - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):166-169.
    Maria Heim’s Voice of the Buddha: Buddhaghosa on the Immeasurable Words is a rare example of sustained scholarly engagement with commentarial literature. The book introduces the reader to the literary world of the Theravāda Buddhist exegete Buddhaghosa, with the stated goal of learning to read as he did. Heim shows with a series of close readings how Buddhaghosa read scripture with a high degree of attention to context, and how he understood both the Buddhist canon and the Buddha’s knowledge to (...)
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  26. Een nieuw paternalisme.Door Christiaan de Vries - forthcoming - Idee.
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  27. Norms in technology: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9.M. J. de Vries, S. O. Hansson & A. W. M. Meijers (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
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  28.  32
    Autism and the Right to a Hypersensitivity-Friendly Workspace.Bouke de Vries - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (3):281-287.
    Many individuals on the autism spectrum are hypersensitive to certain sensory stimuli. For this group, as well as for non-autistic individuals with sensory processing disorders, being exposed to e.g. fluorescent lights, perfume odours, and various sounds and noises can be real torment. In this article, I consider the normative implications of such offence for the design of office spaces, which is a topic that has not received any attention from philosophers. After identifying different ways in which the senses of hypersensitive (...)
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  29. Teaching about technology: an introduction to the philosophy of technology for non-philosophers.Marc J. de Vries - 2005 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Teaching about technology, at all levels of education, can only be done properly when those who teach have a clear idea about what it is that they teach. In other words: they should be able to give a decent answer to the question: what is technology? In the philosophy of technology that question is explored. Therefore the philosophy of technology is a discipline with a high relevance for those who teach about technology. Literature in this field, though, is not always (...)
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  30.  74
    Regulation of genomic and biobanking research in Africa: a content analysis of ethics guidelines, policies and procedures from 22 African countries.Jantina de Vries, Syntia Nchangwi Munung, Alice Matimba, Sheryl McCurdy, Odile Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer, Ciara Staunton, Aminu Yakubu & Paulina Tindana - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-9.
    The introduction of genomics and biobanking methodologies to the African research context has also introduced novel ways of doing science, based on values of sharing and reuse of data and samples. This shift raises ethical challenges that need to be considered when research is reviewed by ethics committees, relating for instance to broad consent, the feedback of individual genetic findings, and regulation of secondary sample access and use. Yet existing ethics guidelines and regulations in Africa do not successfully regulate research (...)
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  31.  30
    Marginalia bij een esoterische Plato.G. J. De Vries - 1964 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 26 (4):704-719.
    Les thèses, proposées par M. Krämer, dans son ouvrage Arete bei Platon und Aristoteles, marqueraient une révolution dans les études platoniciennes, si elles étaient acceptables. Selon lui, Platon a, dès le commencement de sa carrière philosophique, au moins dès l'ouverture de l'Académie, possédé un système élaboré d'ontologie. Ce système a été exposé aux membres de l'Académie, sous forme d'une doctrine ésotêrique. Les dialogues, qui sont entièrement des œuvres protreptiques, ne comportent que des allusions à cette doctrine; tout de même, sans (...)
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  32.  43
    Stijlen Van ethisch argumenteren in de laat-moderne tijd.Gerard de Vries - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (4):649-665.
    A cursory view of the history of ethical thinking shows the presence of a limited variety of 'styles of ethical reasoning', a term used in analogy of Crombie's 'styles of scientific reasoning' for systems of thought that set their own standards and techniques for providing evidence. Each style of reasoning tends to suggest a specific role for ethicists. Styles are appropriate relative to particular contexts of problems and require special institutions to flourish. Herman De Dijn's discussion in Taboes, monsters en (...)
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  33.  10
    Spinoza als staatkundig denker: Rede.Theun de Vries - 1963 - Leiden,: Brill.
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  34. Social order, rules and sociology.Gerard de Vries - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart (ed.), Order. [New York]: Random House. pp. 4.
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  35.  20
    ‘Today a Christian Nation, Tomorrow a Muslim Nation’: a Defence of Rotating State Religions.Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):301-316.
    In more than 20% of countries, a single religion is recognized in the constitution. This article argues that there are good reasons for opposing such ‘mono-recognition’ as it fails to show due concern to members of constitutionally unrecognized religions. Yet rather than opting for disestablishment as Sweden did in 2000, I show that there may be a better alternative in many cases: To constitutionally recognize a variety of religions. After distinguishing synchronic forms of plural recognition whereby multiple religions are constitutionally (...)
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  36.  76
    Against hands-on neutrality.Bouke De Vries - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (4):424-446.
    In recent years, several theorists have defended a form of neutrality that seeks to equalise the benefits that state policies bestow upon citizens’ conceptions of the good life. For example, when state policies confer special benefits upon a conception that revolves around a particular culture, religion or type of sports, other cultures, religions or types of sports might be due compensation. This article argues that this kind of neutrality – which I refer to as ‘hands-on neutrality’ – cannot be vindicated, (...)
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  37. Das Weltbild der neuen Physik und die alte Metaphysik.Joseph de Vries - 1935 - Theologie Und Philosophie 10 (1):77.
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  38. Lost in Translation? Sociological Observations and Reflections on the Practice of Hospital Chaplaincy.Raymond De Vries, Nancy Berlinger & Wendy Cadge - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Epistemic justice in bioethics: interculturality and the possibility of reparations.Jantina de Vries & Bridget Pratt - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):347-347.
    The topic of epistemic injustice in global health ethics is complex, important and vast. While presenting as nuanced and complete a picture of the challenge as we possibly could, we were acutely aware of our positionality and how it gave us a certain viewpoint that would need to be expanded by others with different positions and experiences. We were, therefore, delighted to receive the collected commentaries by Atuire,1 Abimbola,2 Frimpong-Mansoh,3 Nyamnjoh and Ewuoso,4 Tangwa,5 Ambrogi et al.6 We would like to (...)
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  40.  15
    Should Children Have a Veto over Parental Decisions to Relocate?Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (2):321-334.
    Many people move house at some point during their childhood and not rarely more than once. While relocations are not always harmful for under-aged children, they can, and frequently do, cause great disruption to their lives by severing their social ties as well as any attachments that they might have to their neighbourhood, town, or wider geographical region, with long-lasting psychological effects in some cases. Since it is increasingly recognised within normative philosophy as well as within Western societies that older (...)
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  41.  8
    Zeppelins: Over Filosofie, Technologie En Cultuur.Gerard de Vries - 1999 - Van Gennep.
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  42.  35
    Ethical implications of the use of whole genome methods in medical research.Jane Kaye, Paula Boddington, Jantina de Vries, Naomi Hawkins & Karen Melham - unknown
    The use of genome-wide association studies in medical research and the increased ability to share data give a new twist to some of the perennial ethical issues associated with genomic research. GWAS create particular challenges because they produce fine, detailed, genotype information at high resolution, and the results of more focused studies can potentially be used to determine genetic variation for a wide range of conditions and traits. The information from a GWA scan is derived from DNA that is a (...)
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  43.  44
    Minimal theologies: critiques of secular reason in Adorno and Levinas.Hent de Vries - 2005 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    What, at this historical moment "after Auschwitz," still remains of the questions traditionally asked by theology? What now is theology's minimal degree? This magisterial study, the first extended comparison of the writings of Theodor W. Adorno and Emmanuel Levinas, explores remnants and echoes of religious forms in these thinkers' critiques of secular reason, finding in the work of both a "theology in pianissimo" constituted by the trace of a transcendent other. The author analyzes, systematizes, and formalizes this idea of an (...)
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  44. The shibboleth effect : on reading Paul Celan.Hent de Vries - 2007 - In Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.), Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press.
  45. Nawoord.G. H. de Vries - 2001 - Krisis 2 (1):92-94.
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  46. Wat niet te doen?G. H. de Vries - 1999 - Krisis 77:18-20.
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  47.  34
    Neurodiversity and the Neuro-Neutral State.Bouke de Vries - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (4):264-273.
    Over the past decade, many philosophers have argued that to respect the moral equality of their citizens, states should be neutral toward certain forms of diversity among their populations. Areas in which the state neutrality has been advocated include, but are not limited to, citizens’ different religions; languages; and sexual orientations. However, there remains an important area where its normative (ir)relevance has not been discussed: That of neurodiversity. After identifying several ways in which contemporary states disfavor the interests of neurodivergent (...)
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    Why Can't We All Just Get Along? A Comment on Turner's Plea to Social Scientists and Bioethicists.Raymond de Vries - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (1):43.
    Okay, Professor Turner is not Rodney King. He is not responding to bioethicists and social scientists running amuck, setting automobiles aflame, and pelting each other with rocks and broken bottles. He does not come right out and ask, “Why can't we all just get along?” But in its academic way, Turner's essay is an effort to negotiate a truce in the interdisciplinary squabbles that plague bioethics, a plea to move bioethics beyond the “misleading” and “unhelpful” “demarcation of disciplinary goals” that (...)
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  49. De terugkeer van'de religie1 en de taak van de filosofie.Hent de Vries - 2000 - Krisis 1 (4):6-11.
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  50. (1 other version)A Dutch saga of publishing mergers and takeovers.Johan de Vries - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (3):124-136.
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